Wednesday, November 21, 2012


Good day.  I'm back.  No Child Left Behind has become Race to the Top.  New teacher evaluations based on test scores are now the norm, and a massive layer of teacher paperwork pervades the school day.  Students have double the amount of standardized tests written by failed teachers who work for flacid bureaucrats, and all of this in the year the Mayans predicted would be the end of the world.  Yeah, I know that's bullshit, about the Mayans, but it is what the media likes to report, so as far as anyone watching TV is concerned, it is the truth.  Wisconsin...well, there's no point in talking about that...but the rot is spreading, and our students are dumber for it.  Cuomo has his sites on 2016, and he won't need the Unions to back him up. He has richer friends and a "moderate" reputation.  He has hydrofracking and gay marriage.  So, here we are at the end times.  Our only hope is to hang tough and stay blue: 2014 is just around the corner...